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Local Pickup
This option is only for orders that are pre-arranged with J & L's management team.
USPS Priority Mail (2 -3 days)
Order will be delivered 2 business days after specified production time.
Orders are shipped M-F, via USPS Priority Mail, which generally arrives within 2-3 business days AFTER the ship date.  Allow up to one week to complete the order plus the actual delivery time.  Saturday & Sunday shipping or delivery is not available.
USPS Parcel Post  ( 3-5 business days)
Order will be delivered 3 - 5 business day after specified production time.
Orders are shipped M-F, via USPS Parcel Mail, which generally arrives within 5 business days AFTER the ship date.  Allow up to one week to complete the order plus the actual delivery time.  Saturday & Sunday shipping or delivery is not available.
                              Contact Us  at  650-969-6581
                       Email:  Customer_Service@jlsgifts.com